Top-Favorite Series: Pokémon

When I First Played:Summer 1999
First Game:Blue Version (Charmander was my starter! Heh, I thought that Charmander would have the same mechanics in-game as in the show! XD;)
Favorite Generations:3rd (Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald/Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire), 6th (X/Y), and 7th (Sun/Moon/Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon)
Favorite Pokémon:HA, heh, too many to list on this page. Click here to see my list!
Why I Love It:

Nostalgia plays a big part for sure. Not just longing for simpler days, but also because Pokémon was my first RPG series; I can't help but relate the mechanics of every subsequent RPG I've ever played to Pokémon's! It's just how my brain works, I guess! XD

Besides all that though, I love so many of the designs (Pokémon, trainers, regions, items~)! It's been a massive source of inspiration for me. <3 I've lost count of how many original Trainers I've made over the years, and I've even made a few Fakemon, fusions, and Pokésonas, too!

I've also met so many friends through it, and it was one of the things that my ex-husband and I bonded over in the beginning of our friendship!

Sonic the Hedgehog

When I First Played:My 5th birthday, 1993
First Game:Sonic the Hedgehog (1) for the Sega Genesis (it was my birthday present!)
Favorite Game:Sonic Adventure 2: Battle (the remake for the GameCube; it's also the version on Steam)
Favorite Characters:Sonic, Amy Rose, all the adorable little Chao you can take care of. ;w;
Why I Love It:

Another one with massive amounts of nostalgia for me. As mentioned above, I got the 1st Sonic game for my 5th birthday, and it was the first game I ever owned (my parents had an NES and an Atari before I was born and I'd played those, but Sonic and the Genesis were mine.) It was the first thing that I remember really inspiring me. As far as I can recall, a little stick-figure drawing of Sonic and Tails in the back of my kindergarten yearbook was my first-ever fan art. And I have no idea how many fan characters I've made over the years (a lot of them just in my mind, I never drew them).

Nowadays, I love the humor in the cut scenes!

But I think the biggest reason why Sonic still holds such a high place in my mind and heart is the Chao Garden. Please Sega, just give us a stand-alone Chao Garden game! ;w;

Kingdom Hearts

When I First Played:Early High School (so like, 2003-2004?)
First Game:Kingdom Hearts 1 (borrowed from a friend)
Favorite Games:Birth By Sleep for the Ability Creation system! KH2 for the story and expanded lore!
Favorite Characters:Sora, Kairi, Axel, Aqua
Why I Love It:I've been a huge Disney fan my entire life, so getting to go around a bunch of different Disney worlds helping to save them is just right up my alley! And combining Disney with Final Fantasy? Yes please!
I love Sora's growth throughout the series, and Kairi's too, for that matter!
I just want them all to be happy. ;w;

Genshin Impact

When I First Played:October 2020
Favorite Characters:Yelan, Cyno, Heizou, Itto, Ganyu, Kazuha, Kokomi, Lisa, Nahida, Qiqi, Sayu, Sucrose, Tartaglia, the Traveler (I play as Lumine), Paimon
Why I Love It:

Visually, it's a lovely game! There are a lot of mechanics in it I love as well, like gliding and zipping around with the Four-Leaf Sigils in Sumeru~

Primarily though, it's the story. I can rarely predict where it's going, and my goodness, it makes me feel so much. Laughter, shock, joy, and sorrow. I can't wait to see what happens to the twins, and Teyvat as a whole!

Other Games I Enjoy

Some I haven't played in years, but they still hold a special place in my heart.

Animal Crossing: New HorizonsCivilization 4Dance Dance Revolution (series)Disney Magical World 1
Dream of Mirror OnlineFinal Fantasy (series)Freedom PlanetJackbox Games (series)
The King of Fighters (series)Kirby (series)Maple Story 2Octopath Traveler
Ragnarok OnlineRock Band 2Rollercoaster Tycoon (especially 1 and its expansions)The Sims 4
SkullgirlsSuper Smash Bros. (series)--

Nickle's Faves © Nickle4aPickle. Established April 2022. All rights reserved.